Kai Li Ge Wisdom of Life = Мудрость жизни: Цикл стихов на традиционном китайском языке. — Llumina Press, 2007.
This book of philosophical poems is written in 9 languages: Chinese, French, English, German, Spanish, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Sanskrit and contains 20 superb illustrations. The author hopes that this multilingual book will bring you to the calm joy of reflection on the wisdom of life, put on paper in the languages that has outlived the millennia.
Kriger B. The Joys of Common Sense. — Llumina Press, 2007.
The Joys of Common Sense is a philosophical book that uses the scientific principles of evolution and psychology to analyze how human nature developed into what it is today. The book explains the basic elements of human nature ranging from the conscience, good and evil, fear, spirituality and feelings of peace. The style is eloquent yet basic, making the read pleasant for all ages and educational backgrounds.